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MediCloud – Telemedicine System Based on Software as a Service (SaaS)

MediCloud is a robust, web-based (cloud system) platform for supporting medical interactions including rounds. In many situations the discussion of a case among MDs from different profiles and locations is crucial for patient outcome. Studies show that the concentration of specialists in big cities in Brazil is one of the causes of the lack of adequate medical diagnosis and treatment in underserved areas. MediCloud will allow general practitioners at remote or rural areas to discuss cases (rounds) and request second opinions to their expert colleagues located in reference hospitals. A software framework was developed to support the telemedicine application, providing the basis for security communication and user's hierarchy. The software algorithms enhance the medical discussion providing useful information to users such as photos, symptoms, treatments and applied drugs of previously discussed cases.
P.R.M.Souza, B.Hochhegger, J.C.C.da Silveira, C.O.Pretto, C.R.N.Moralles, A.B.Tronchon